This is just an idea I hope others would build on regarding the pick ban in-built lobby that was being spoken about.
A lot of people are talking about weapon unlocks, and balance issues, but actually just getting the system into the game
is going to be a hard task.
It needs to be simple enough that within a few clicks, players can be playing a competitive match, but at the same time
it must be advanced enough so that the pick bans can come into play, classes can be chosen, map votes etc...
Anyway, here's my idea. It is literally a rough idea, and the images are basic illustrations only just to give
a concept on how it might look and function. Don't read too much into the images!
Players click a menu in TF2 titled, "PLAY HIGHLANDER MATCH". I know this is highlander, but it's better to get this sorted before
working on a 6vs6 routine. You could add a 'Custom' game mode or something later. Just stick with me!

Probably add a chatbox in that menu screen too...
Players then see the menu above, where they can invite their friends into a specific class spot. Players can swap
classes with other people if they desire.
You can press the start button at anytime. If you are alone, it will fit you on a team as your desired class.
If you have invited friends, it would attempt to fill your team up with random players who are also looking
for a game.
Once your team is filled, you will go to the captain vote screen:

Here is where your team can chat with each other, and determine a captain. The captain will be responsible for banning
unlocks out. The captain is determined by a vote.
Once the captain has been chosen, the game will search for an opposing team. Both captains will then proceed to the ban screen:

Here the captain will select a set number of unlocks they can ban. Stock weapons cannot be banned.
There would be a selection of popular unlocks that would feature permanently in this setup, and a
selection of random weekly unlocks so that every unlocks is used over time.
I feel this refines the game down from being absolute chaos, but keeps things fresh as different unlocks
would feature at different times. Maybe it's not a great idea introducing a random element, but just an idea!
Lastly once the bans are completed by both team captains, a screen will show which team banned what
and then a map vote will take place. The game starts after this with class changing disabled and banned unlocks
obviously not allowed.

Other notes:
Somewhere in the system there will be an option to buy the unlocks with a single click (or something).
Will need to have regional settings so that you don't get a EU team vs a US team on a US server etc...
Game would need a pool of servers.
Ideally there would be some sort of ladder / ranking system, so eventually players can be matched by a skill level
so games become more competitive. No idea how that would work though.